A Question For The Masses

Have you ever seen someone from across a large, cavernous, echo-inducing lobby and think to yourself, “oh look! It’s so-and-so, I should get their attention and wave because they’re pretty cool and I want to say hi,” then take a few steps forward and within sheer milliseconds of making a fool of yourself waving largely at them, realize that it’s not who you thought it was, but in fact is someone that, while you know them, you really don’t like them in the least little bit and mistook them for the pretty cool people, decide not to wave largely at them but instead do a 180 on your left (wobbly) heel to get the heck out of there and then trip on said wobbly heel, only to make a complete idiot out of yourself for drawing so much attention to your less than graceful pirouette, then hide for the next 20 minutes in the ladies room texting your BFF while sitting on the toilet???

You haven’t?

Umm… Me either.

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